The project charts can either be generated directly from the project or by using the chart block “project charts”. In the project planning the most important project charts and capacity charts are available. The charts here are however limited in relation to the selection criteria.
In the following example, the dialogue “project shaping and evaluating” is opened using the button for Project 3 - Introduction Projectile …
… and the the chart …
… “Gantt-Chart is generated. The chart Gantt-Chart is a project-related bar chart. A bar chart is a diagram used to visualize the time planning of a project. In the Gantt-Chart the plan data for the top project and the sub-projects are represented as gray bars with phases, the milestones as gray diamonds and jobs as blue bars. The arrow between the jobs symbolize the order sequences. For this project, time and trend dates have been recorded. The recording of the projects and jobs are displayed as thin black bars and the estimates for the milestones as horizontal lines.
In the select box the most important project charts and capacity charts are displayed. At thsi time, the following charts are available: job target/actual, capacity utilisation I/II/III, earned-value-analysis, degree of completion, Gantt-Table, calendar overview I/II, capacity evaluation I/II/III, milestone-trend-analysis (MTA), Skill-Matrix, project structure diagram, project chart target/actual, project overview and employee occupation chart, resource planning report.
To use the charts, the chart must be selected …
… and (if JavaScript is disabled) the selection must be confirmed.
Afterwards, a dialogue opens to enter the time span of the chart results …
… and an output format can be selected.
After confirming with “OK” …
… the chart (here job target/actual) is generated.
The chart “Gantt-Table” …
… provides an overview of all the elements of the project structure plan and milestones of the selected projects. The estimated time/effort, actual time/effort and the remaining time/effort of the elements, schedule and cost information, as well as key figures are displayed in a list. The planning data from the jobs is determined and the actual times are extracted from the entered data in the Time Tracker.
The chart “Employee Occupation” …
… (the time span is entered) …
… generates an overview of the project services of the employees and a list of individual occupations with comments from the time recording. This chart generates a summary of the totals and individual time sheets of an employee based on the data from the TimeTracker for the jobs of the employees. The chart is typically used as an internal document of controlling or as an external document for invoicing.
Die “Earned Value Analyse” …
… presents the key figures in tabular form of the earned value analysis. The user (if the chart is generated from the standard chart) can select in the “Parameter” tab, for the time period as a column for the plan, actual (and rest), the progress (degree of completion of the current period less the degree of completion of the last period), the earned value, the key figures and the differences. The available periods are weekly, monthly and quarterly. Selecting the grouping setting the group structure is determined: (by employee, according to phase, according to occupation and according to sub-project).
For determining the progress four options can be selected: the option progress from plan determines for the grouping feature (see next item) the calculated degree of completion (actual effort / estimated effort), the option progress from the project, estimates the degree of completion of the project and the option progress from jobs uses the estimates from the TimeTracker.
The table data can be calculated in hours, person days or EUR (currency).
The first graph visualizes the charts of the key figures BCWS, ACWP and BCWP. The green graph represents the up to this date cumulative planned time/effort, the orange graph represents the up to this date, accumulated and accrued time/effort and the estimated time/effort from the current period. The purple graph represents as comparison, the cumulative estimated time/effort of the completed activities up to this date. With the option “Show Costs” the cost are displayed instead of time/effort.
The second graph of the chart visualizes the differences time BCWP - BCWS, budget BCWS - ACWP and costs BCWP - ACWP. Die zweite Graphik der Auswertung visualisiert die Abweichungen Zeit BCWP - BCWS, Budget BCWS - ACWP und Kosten BCWP - ACWP .
The “Milestone-Trend-Analysis” …
… displays the trends for reaching the defined milestones. The milestone trend analysis is a future-based tool for controlling the schedule of a project: On a regular reporting dates, the schedule planning of the project is re-estimated through querying the trend data of the estimated target objective. Through the the curve linearity, a trend can be derived with the adherence to deadlines of the project. The trend dates for the milestones can be managed in the document type “deadline”.
The course of the curves of this analysis is interpreted as follows: