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3.06 Reportgenerator "ReportMaker" (continued 4)

Graphical Charts with the ReportDesigner

In the following example a graphical chart is created from the tabular project list. First, the basic structure of the report is created again (here by copying the project list).

First, some fields are removed. The report is then renamed and saved.

In the column chart data, the axes need to be determined for the 2-dimensional chart with x-and y-axis. The x-axis (horizontal) is determined with index (x) and the values for the y-axis (vertical) is determined with data (y). In the example, the values planned time/effort, actual time/effort and the difference (formula) for the projects (Number) should be plotted.

On the “Diagram” tab, various settings can be made for the graphic (chart type, width, height, legend, totals).

After saving the report it is then closed. The new report and the output format CHART for graphical charts is selected in the ReportMaker.

With the function “Generate Report” the graphical charts are displayed within the application.

The report can then be further customized in the ReportDesigner. The example is first the index (x axis) renamed into project and is afterwards modified on the tab “Charts”. Here various settings can be made to the graphic.

In the examples the diagram/chart is changed and a legend is defined.

Currently, the following diagram/chart types are available: vertical 3D bar, horizontal bar, vertical bars, vertical 3D stacked bar, horizontal stacked bar, vertical stacked bar, bubble charts, bubble charts (connected), area, stacked area, lines, pie chart per column, pie chart per row, scatter plot, scatter plot (connected), XY areas, XY lines, and XY steps.

The formast JPG and PNG are available. In addition, the width and height of the graphic can be set. (unit px = pixel) and a different legend can be entered. If the field 'legend' is not filled, the first entry is used with data (y).

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en/handbuch/kapitel_3/3.6._fortsetzung_4.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:11 (external edit)