The following example expanded functionalities of the designer are defined with the help of “project short list”.
First, a new element for the report is created by using . In the selection list 'column content', referenced elements are available, depending on the document type. In the example for the project report the document type project is selected. The element customer, which is extracted from the customer system. These links can also be used in the ReportMaker. If a field within the selection box contains “…”, the functionality can be used to select the available elements of the linked document.
In the example, in addition to the customer of the projects, the associated branch is also displayed.
Then the field can be reordered. The field is moved to the top using 'up' (several times) …
… until the desired position is reached.
By using the functionality formulas can be used.
Then the appropriate input field is opened, in which the formula is defined.
Within the formula all basic operations can be used (+,-,*,/). When defining the formulas, the correct spelling should be considered (case sensitivity as well). In the example, a new field with the name 'difference' has been created, which is evaluated from the fields panned effort - actual effort and they should be added up (aggregate function).
After saving the report, the formula for the internationalization of the report will be reformatted. The new field “difference” is then shifted one position upward.
Afterwards, it is sorted and grouped by “customer”.
The example report can be directly used after saving…
… and closing it …
… and then displays …
… the following chart with all parent projects sorted by “customer”: