This chart block includes the Gantt chart (bar chart) and the Gantt table, which is designed to complement the chart. A Gantt chart is a diagram to visualize the time planning of a project. The duration of a job or project is symbolized by the length of the bar in the timeline. The bars can be either actual data or target data. Events or milestones are represented as points in time. In Projectile processes are visualized in the project chart.
Here, the following charts can be generated:
The Gantt charts contain the time-related project charts in the system. The parameters available for the generated charts are various types of display types and the size of the generated jpg images. With display types, it can be selected whether bars should be generated above projects and jobs, whether milestones and networks should be displayed and whether the date for significant data should be generated.
In the Gantt chart, the planning data for the main project and the sub-projects (as described in chapter 2.5.03 Gantt-Chart) is displayed as a gray bar with phases, milestones as gray diamonds, and the jobs as blue bars. The arrows between the jobs symbolize the order relationships. For this project, time and deadlines have been recorded. The recording for the projects and jobs are displayed as thin black bars and the estimates for the milestones as horizontal lines.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interpretation des Beispiels: Das Projekt ist rechtzeitig gestartet und mit einen Arbeitstag (drei Kalendertage) Verzögerung abgeschlossen worden. Der erste Meilenstein ist rechtzeitig erreicht worden, die anderen Meilensteine haben sich geringfügig um einen Tag (EP.2-A) bzw. drei Tage (EP.3-A) verschoben. Die Unterprojekte Planung und Customizing sind rechtzeitig abgeschlossen worden und das Unterprojekt Einführung ist mit einen Tag Verspätung angefangen worden. Bis zum Projektende wird diese Verzögerungen auf drei Tage anwachsen.
This chart provides an overview of all the elements of the work breakdown structure and milestones of the selected projects. The plan time/effort, actual time/effort and the remaining time/effort of the elements, schedule and cost information as well as key figures are displayed as a list. The plan data is determined from the jobs and the actual times are extracted from the data entries of TimeTracker.
This chart supports more than 60 key figures. These key figures can be added in the ReportDesigner.