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3.11.08 Unit Administration

In Projectile, the department structures can be illustrated in a company by using “units”. There can be one or more unit managers and an associated team. With the possibility to divide the employees into various units, i.e. departments, extensions and refinement of the access permissions system occurs. This is important when units are assigned to projects.

Required fields: Unit, Description, Unit manager

Defining New Units

In the following units a new unit is created. First, the functionality “Create” with the selections “Unit” is activated.

Then, a new document is opened:

In the following example a new unit “Department” with two sub-units is defined. To define the unit manager, using the functionality “Find available documents” …

… with the appropriate list of all employees is displayed. Here, the employee can be selected and included …

… to be assigned as the unit manager in the unit. The employees are selected for this unit …

and then assigned to the unit, in the same manner as above.

After all information is entered, the document is then saved using

It is possible to create sub-units for this unit “Department”. To create the sub-unit, activate the functionality “New Document” in the sub-unit row.

A new unit manager must be entered once again.

After defining this sub-unit “Marketing and Public Relations”,

… a second unit “Sales” is created.

After saving both sub-units, the following organisation structure is displayed. The unit “Development” consists of the two sub-units “Marketing and Public Relations and “Sales, Exibition and Roadshows”.

en/handbuch/kapitel_3/3.11.08_verwaltung_von_units.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:11 (external edit)