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3.11.05 Occupation Administration (Customer-related Occupations) (Continued 1)

Using customer-related occupations, the customer-related cost rates on the basis of the occupations can be defined. The cost rates of the customer-related occupations are directly defined through “customer”.

Note: The customer-related occupations override the occupations, but have a lower priority than the project-related occupations.

Using the action “create customer-related occupation”, the functionality is called and …

… a new overview of all occupations is opened. All entries which should be explicitly customized for this customer can be selected here.

by clicking on the green arrow, the marked occupations are displayed …

… with the standard cost rates which are stored by default. These can be now be modified for this customer and then saved.

This example refers to the occupation programming - xml for the customer John Green Ltd. For each project for this customer, (if the occupation Programming - XML is assigned to a job), a rate of EUR 110.00 per hour is offered and billed.

After closing the document, the next occupation can be modified customer-related (her the occupation “Programming - MS SQL)

After modifying the last occupation, the dialog “customer-related occupations” is saved.

The occupations for a customer can be displayed and modified …

… using the action “display customer-related occupation”.

In the job of a project which belongs to the customer, which has a customer-related occupation assigned to it, uses this rate. In the job, it is possible to display the internal and external rates …

… using the action “display hourly wage rates”.

Note: These rates are not valid if a global cost rate exists or project-related occupations are defined. The global cost rates may be stored in project, customer or employee and override all the occupation rates. The project-related occupations override (if any) also the customer-related rates, so that exceptions can be illustrated for individual projects.

...continued 2

en/handbuch/kapitel_3/3.11.05_verwaltung_von_taetigkeiten_kundenweise_taetigkeiten.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:11 (external edit)