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3.11.01 System Data Administration (Continued - flexible Time Action)

Defining Flexible Timed Action

Timed actions can also be used, for example, to automate chart evaluations.

First a new document of the type timed actions …

… is created.

Then the description field is filled out and a document type is selected (here project chart). Then the recipient of the timed action is determined. Individual employees and groups (here all users of the group “manager”) are defined as recipients of the timed action.

Using the functionality “find available documents” individual employees (recipients) can be assigned and the an appropriate list is displayed. The employees can be selected and then included here.

The parameters of the timed actions can then be defined.

In the example the timed action should be performed for the defined weekdays Wednesday and Sunday at 22:30. Then the action “set configuration” is performed to …

… configure the charts. A project chart is opened and the selection criteria can be defined here (see also chapter 2.05).

In the example all active top projects (advanced search) for the current quarter (relating to the performance date of the timed action) …

… all customizing or interface projects and have an external order (external order = 1) are evaluated. Then the chart is saved …

… and closed.

The project chart is now in the field configuration and the timed action can be saved.

The timed action generates (as long as it is active) periodical target/actual comparisons on the job level for all selected projects relating to the current quarter and then sends an e-mail to the recipient.

Alternatively, timed actions can be directly generated through saved charts.

In the following example, a capacity chart is automated. First, a chart is opened and the selection criteria is filled out. In the example, all employees of the units Cambridge and Marketing and Sales and applications for a capacity chart should be generated for the next quarter. Using the function “timed action” …

… a timed action document with pre-populated fields is opened. The configuration is directly transfered here.

The final step is defining the missing information (option - chart, recipient, periods, …) and then saving the timed action.

en/handbuch/kapitel_3/3.11.01_verwaltung_von_systemdaten_fortsetzung_-_freie_zeitdienste.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:11 (external edit)