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3.08 Product Documentation and Ticket System "Product Management" (Continued 5)

Editing-Steps Of The Change-Requests (Workflow)

If the change-request is defined, the modul responsible parties receive automatically a notification. The ticket 01020 risk-report has been recorded and has been sent to the responsible party, Julia Mueller, for decision. The employee receives from the system a notification, that a ticket for decision is available.

In the working area of projectile the message is displayed by the next action in the system.

Note: The message will not appear immediately, possibly because the user is making a transaction (for example, creating an invoice or charts), which may be canceled with the mail.

The mail in the system can be opened using the symbol .

In the mail, as an attachment, a link is set on the ticket …

… to be able to view further information to editing. The change-requests can now be released or declined by the responsible party for prossesing. These status changes can be made by using the action “Set Status”.

In the following example, the ticket is not declined, but released for development.

After performing of the action, the status changes from 'recorded' into 'released for development' and the resposible parties will be notified by the system. In the example, the responsible party is informed about the status change and the appropriate editor.

In the change-request, you can store further information by using the flyer (such as requirement specification or error-reports).

The change-requests can be reported by the editors in the following workflow (developers and testers) multilevel as “in process” or finished.

Note: Depending on the implementation of the module, the reduction can also automatically create a new component version, which documents the change in the (sub-) component.

en/handbuch/kapitel_3/3.08_produktdokumentation_und_ticketsystem_produktmanagement_fortsetzung4.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:11 (external edit)