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3.08 Product Documentation and Ticket System "Product Management" (Continued 4)

Overview Product Management

Employees, target version, date, status, type, rating. Depending on the implementation, other criteria for filtering the tickets are also supported. The module product management includes also a overview-functionality (menu product management - overview). This overview filters the change-requests using the criteria.

In the overview all change-requests, which are not assigned, can also be displayed.

The changes, which are entered by using quick-recording, have for example no assignment to the component structure.

The “Not Assigned Tickets” displays these change-requests in the overview. By clicking on the changes …

… the appropriate ticket is opened and the assignment can be made. In the following example, the ticket is first assigned to the component risk-management and …

… afterwards to the subordinated component RM-Recording - RM-Indicator.

Finally, the data-record is saved.

Note: In Projectile, multilevel selection boxes are also used, for example in components and activities. In this case, the top hierarchy is first chosen and then the subordinated hierarchies are added with the Action button.

In the overview, all changes for defined components regarding the selection criteria, can be listed. After opening the overview, the functionality “Main Module” displays all the changes for all components (2 changes).

In the following example, only the changes to the product Projectile …

… should be displayed (here 9 changes). Afterwards, only the changes for the subordinated components project data …

are displayed (here 7 changed). For this selection, you can generate, by using the function “Generate Report From the List”, …

… a chart …

… (for example for release notes).

In the following example, all change-requests, which are between version 3.6 and 3.8, are filtered.

After the selection, these change-requests can …

… be sent to the ReportMaker.

In the intermediate dialog, the report and the output format can be selected and with the …

… chart is generated.

...continued 5

en/handbuch/kapitel_3/3.08_produktdokumentation_und_ticketsystem_produktmanagement_fortsetzung3.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:11 (external edit)