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3.08 Product Documentation and Ticket System "Product Management" (Continued 3)

Definition of the Change-Request (Tickets)

The change-requests are related to a component structure and are therefore assigned to the components. The change-requests are usually extensions, adjustments or error-removals within the structure. In the following example, a request-change to the subordinated component RM-Recording for the product risk-management is defined.

For the definition of change-requests, there are four possibilities in the Projectile: Changes can be created directly from the component (in this case, the classification of the change is already defined), changes can be created through a quick-recording mask or the product overview, or by using the action “New Document” .

For the first variant of the definition of change-request, the components must be opened at first. The document can be opened using the search engine or the product overview. The definition of a ticket is done by clicking on the button “New Document” in the element change-requests

Then a new document of the type change-request with the appropriated defaults appears. This ticket is automatically assigned to the module RM-Recording. Then the data of the change-request is filled out.

Alternatively, in the product overview, …

… change-requests can be created in the intro-screen (Create) or …

… in the quick-recording as well.

Example - attachment from the product overview:

The module product management includes also an overview-functionality (menu product management - overview). This overview filters the change-requests according to various criteria and allows the attachment of change requests.

By using the navigator, products can be selected and the product structures can be viewed. In the example, the four existing products (Projectile, BSM, QM-Modul and risk-management) are listed. The product risk-management …

…consists of the components RM-Masterdata, RM-Recording and RM-Charts. For the component RM-Recording, in the following example …

… a change-request should be created. In the overview, by using the function “Create Change-Request For This Component” …

… a change-request is created. This change-request is then automatically assigned to the component (here RM-Recording) and is pre-populated with the editors of the component.

In the example, an extension (type) for the component RM-Recording is defined with name and and multiple discriptions. This ticket has been created and reported on 10.09.2006 by Peter Schaub, and he has captured the rating important and the status. As editor for this change, the employee Julia Mueller has been designated and as tester the employee Sandra Schroeder has been designated.

In the tab “misc” additional information can be entered and projects and jobs can be assigned to the change-request.

The ticket is assigned to the project DS09 and to the jobs DS09.2-1, DS09.2-2 and DS09.2-3. In addition, information are provided here to decision-finding of the realization (effort, costs, benefit).

For the descriptions or instructions, external files can be assigned, or the file manager Flyer can be used. If no files are stored, in the ticket the symbol will be displayed; if files are stored on the web-server, this will be marked with the symbol .

… Through the Flyer-Symbol in the change-request…

… the document administration will be opened. The Upload-Button opens then …

… the Upload-Functionality.

Here, additional sub-directories can now be created and the external documents can be copied on the web-server for central access. First, the standard dialog for opening of files is opened.

After selecting the directory …

… the desired file is marked and by clicking on “Open”, it is transferred.

In the example, the file ideas-collection Algorithmen.xml is selected. Analog additional files for upload can be selected.

After this selection the copyin is done with “Upload”. The selected files are stored by the system on the web server in the folder (perhaps in the appropriate directory). The folder of the ticket includes now four external files.

After closing the Flyer …

… the symbol of the Fleyer changes in the change-request from into and displays the defaulted folder to the user.

Further information on the document administration is provided in the section 3.04.2 Dokumentenverwaltung "Flyer".

The assigned tickets are transferred in the overview.

Example - Quick-Recording:

Change-requests can alternatively be created by using the function “New Document” or in quick-recording (Menu Product Management).

The action quick-recording opens a dialog. Here, several change-requests can be consecutively recorded with the most important attributes . These change-requests will not, however, be associated with the component structure. Subsequent assignment of tickets for the component st is possible by the overview.

In the open dialog, the changes are described …

… and is confirmed with the green check mark and it is stored.

Afterwards, a further change-request can be entered and it can be closed with the cancel-symbol of the dialog of the quick-recording.

...continued 4

en/handbuch/kapitel_3/3.08_produktdokumentation_und_ticketsystem_produktmanagement_fortsetzung2.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:11 (external edit)