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3.08 Product Documentation and Ticket System "Product Management"

The product management module allows defining product and / or service structures and the possibility to assign tickets for changes or errors. These tickets can be assigned directly to projects, sub-projects or jobs.

With the components the structure of the services or products will be stored in the system. For these modules changing change requests (tickets) can be defined.

These tickets can be changes/extensions, reductions or trouble-shooting. Optionally, after defining the tickets, persons in charge and performing employees can be informed (see also 3.04.1 Mailsystem Mailer). After processing the ticket, it will then be marked as completed and assigned to the quality control, which in turn can mark the ticket as tested. Finally, the tickets can be accepted.

Components (Product data)

The components form administers the structure of the services or products in the system.

When creating a component, some fields are automatically pre-populated. In the standard version of Projectile these are:

  • Number: The module number is initialized by the system, but can be changed by the user.

Required Fields: Number, Name

Change Request

The Change Request form administers the change request to the defined module.

When creating a ticket, some fields are automatically pre-populated. In the standard version of Projectile are the following:

  • ID: The ticket number is pre-populated by the system, but can be changed by the user.
  • Created (By): Pre-populated with the logged in user.
  • Created (At): Pre-populated with the current date.
  • Developer and Tester: Pre-populated with the employees of the assigned components.

Required Fields: ID, Name, Type, Creating Date, Severity, Developer, Tester

Creating a Component

In the following example, a new product (component) is created with several sub-modules. First, a new component is created by using the action “Create” in the workarea.

Then, a new form of type “component” with the above explained pre-populations is opened.

Afterwards, the relevant fields of the first tab (master sheet) will be filled, such as name, description and keywords. If the new product is based on existing products or has dependencies, those dependencies can be stored in the master sheet. By clicking on the button in the field 'dependent on' …

… all the products are displayed in the browser (components without higher level components). Here, the products can be selected and dependent products can be marked for assignment to the field and with 'Include selection'…

… they can be transferred into the form.

After defining the fields of the tab 'master sheet', the form is saved and …

… the next tab 'WorkFlow' can be selected. The relevant employees are then defined here. The element 'To be informed' includes all employees, who are informed, if there are status changes within the component (based on change request). The element “Implementor” includes all employees, who should accept and edit the tickets and the element “Quality assurance” includes all employees who should accept and edit the completed tickets.

This information is generated and sent by using the mail system “Mailer”.

In the tab 'Misc', the assignment of the components to the projects and jobs can be displayed. By using the 'Find available documents' button in the 'project' field, the selection results for the project structures is opened.

By selecting the project(s) and including the selection …

… the selected project (here the project Introduction) is included.

If the button “Find available documents” in the “jobs” field is clicked, …

… the jobs can be selected and then included.

...continued 1

en/handbuch/kapitel_3/3.08_produktdokumentation_und_ticketsystem_produktmanagement.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:11 (external edit)