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3.05 Using the Advanced Search

Document Type: or Document Type Finds all the information for the document type Document type: Field Content {Comparison Operator} “Value” Finds all the information for the document type based on the expression of the field's contents.

The field content refers to the description of the field and can be loaded in the assistant of the advanced search or can be viewed in the document. Currently The following expressions are supported as comparison operators:

No. Operator Description Example
1 = Check field content to equality Status = “active”
2 != Check field content to inequality Status != “active”
3 < Check, whether field content is smaller than the value Date < “1.03.2007”
4 < = Check, whether field content is smaller or equal to the value Date < = “1.03.2007”
5 > Check, whether field content is larger than the value Date > “1.03.2007”
6 >= Check, whether field content is larger or equal to the value Date >= “1.03.2007”
7 LIKE Check, whether the field content contains the value Employee LIKE “Meier”
8 CONTAINS Check, whether the field content of a multiple choice contains the value Project manager CONTAINS “Meier”
9 STARTS_WITH Check, whether the field content starts with the value Employee STARTS_WITH “Peter”
10 ENDS_WITH Check, whether the field content ends with the value Employee ENDS_WITH “Meier”
11 - > Field points to the document Employee LIKE “Meier” AND Project.Project manager - > Employee

Note: The operators ignore upper and lower case, like and LIKE are therefore both valid.

Query 1 finds all the documents, where the field content status is exactly “active” and Query 2 finds all documents, where this content is not equal. The queries 3 to 6 compare the field content date, where the equal sign considers the date itself. Query 7 compares, whether the value is in the field content (for example, employee LIKE “Meier” finds all employees with Meier ⇒ Klaus Meier, Monika Meyer-Grund, …). Query 9 finds all the documents, where the field content starts with the value and query 10 finds all documents, where the field content ends with the value. Query 11 finds all the information, where the employee Meier is listed as a project manager. This query points to a document and must be used whenever the requested field content a multiple selection is

Queries can also contain a number of associated conditions or be inverted. Currently the following operators are supported:

No. Operator Description Example
1 AND And-Operator (both values must be met) Status = “active” AND Status “Advanced Effort”
2 OR Or-Operator (one of the values must be met) Status = “active” OR Status “Advanced Effort”
3 NOT Negation NOT (Status = “passive”)

By adding SORT the results can additionally be sorted. Example: SORT 'Description' sorts in the field “description” in ascending order. Ascending (ASC) is the standard setting for sorting and must not be indicated explicitly. DESC sorts in descending order. Example: SORT 'Description' DESC sorts in the field “description” in descending order.

In the Advanced Search, as of version 2.5, fixed variables can also be used, for example if the logged on user or the current date is needed:

No. Variable Description Example
1 $today current day Date = $today
2 $now current day and current time Date ⇐ $now
3 $user Link to current (registered) employee Employee = $user (Example Link in jobs on employees; comparison to LIKE not possible)
4 $username key of the current employee Employee LIKE $username; Employee = $username;
5 $userfirstname First name of the current employee Employee.Firstname LIKE $userfirstname; Employee.Firstname = $userfirstname;
6 $userlastname Last name of the current employee Employee.Name LIKE $userlastname; Employee.Name = $userlastname;
7 $userlogin Login of the current employee Employee.Login LIKE $userlogin; Employee.Login = $userlogin;
8 $userlocale Locale of the current employee Employee.Locale LIKE $userlocale; Employee.Locale = $userlocale;
9 $userlanguage Language of the current employee Employee.Language LIKE $userlanguage; Employee.Language = $userlanguage;
10 $usercountry Country of the current employee Employee.Country LIKE $usercountry; Employee.Country = $usercountry;

The Advanced Search is located in the functional area of the query manager (left part of the application).

The Advanced Search allows you to either revert saved searches or define your own queries.

Using Saved Queries

A list of all saved searches can be accessed via the list field with the item “selection”.

For example, if the search query “main projects (active)” should be invoked, only the relevant entry from the list has to be selected. By clicking on the green check mark, the corresponding query is loaded (if Java Script is not activated).

In the field “Query”, the input for this query appears. The query

Project : ( ( Top Project = “” ) AND ( ( Status = “Active” ) OR ( Status = “Advance” ) ) ) finds all running main projects (top project must be empty and the status must be set to active or advance.

performs then the search query …

… and lists the following search results:

Continued 1

en/handbuch/kapitel_3/3.05_bedienung_der_profi-suche.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:11 (external edit)