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2.04.13 Incoming Payment
The Incoming Payment form administers the billed invoices, in which the incoming payment is overdue or the incoming payment is specified. The document type contains fields for the invoice number, invoice amount (Rechnungsertrag), cash discount, total amount, date of the incoming payment, amount of the outgoing payment, status of the incoming payment and comments.
The form consists of the following elements:
Invoice: This field specifies the number of the invoice. A billed invoice, including the invoice number, the description and the invoice amount is copied to incoming payment as a data record.
Description: This field specifies the description of the invoice from the invoice form and generally contains the invoice number.
Project: This field specifies the project of the invoice. Projects can be defined and modified in the project form.
Invoice Amount: This field specifies the invoice amount from the invoice form, which is billed to the customer.
Cash Discount: In this field, the reduction of the invoice amount through the cash discount from the invoice form is displayed. This can also be entered retrospectively.
Total Amount: This field specifies the total invoice amount (difference from invoice amount and cash discount deduction).
Date: In this field the date of the incoming payment is entered.
Payment: In this field the amount the customer transfered is entered.
Difference: This field displays the difference between the invoice amount and the incoming payment.
Payment Status: This field specifies the status of the incoming payment, based on the selected action through the action function.
Comments: This field is designated for comments regarding incoming payments.