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2.04.11 Invoice

The Invoice form implements issuing invoices in the system. The (outgoing)invoice contains information for example, about the invoice description, project, the person issuing the invoice, the status of the invoice, the work/service interval, the net amount, value-added tax, the total amount, cash discount, the method of payment and invoice date.

The form consists of the following elements:

On the “Master data” tab:

  • Invoice-ID:_ This field assigns a unique identification number to an invoice, which is automatically defined from the system.
  • Invoice Number: This alphanumerical field specifies the invoice and is generally used as the invoice number in the invoice document.
  • Project: In this field the project is selected, for the services rendered and to which an invoice is to be issued. Projects can be defined and modified in the project form. An invoice can be only issued for external and active projects.
  • Status: This field is determined from the system and specifies the status of the invoice, based on the selected action through the action function. After creating an invoice the status „No Invoice“ is automatically set, when the invoice is included the status „Invoice Included“ is automatically set and after cancelling the invoice „Invoice Cancelled“ is automatically set.
  • Time Span(from/to): These fields specify the work/service interval for the invoice. With services, the periods are entered in which the billed services of the suppliers are rendered. This information is necessary for the accrual and deferral with the income statement. If this interval is not filled, the invoice date is used from the system. Furthermore, only the billed services are listed, which were rendered in this time span.
  • Amount: In this field the net amount of the invoice positions are automatically entered from the system.
  • Value-Added Tax: In this field the value-added tax which is valid for this invoice is entered through the drop-down list. By default, this field is pre-set with the valid tax rate from the assigned country used from the configuration form. The value-added tax can be defined and modified in the value-added tax form.
  • Total Amount: In this field the total amount of the invoice is automatically entered by the system. This value is determined by the net amount of the invoice and the selected value-added tax.
  • Billing Mode: This field specifies the type of billing for the defined invoice. Currently Projectile supports the billing modes Service, final account, fixed and partial.
  • Prepayment This field specifies the percental amount of the prepayment amount for the advance payment invoice. When billing mode “fixed” is selected this value is pre-set with 100%.
  • Offer: In this field an offer can be assigned to the invoice, through which the invoice was generated. This assignment is the basis for the invoicing/budget chart from the chart module.
  • Employee: In this field the the person who prepared the offer can be entered through the drop-down list. Employees can be administered in the employee form.
  • Invoice Date: This field specifies the date of issuing the invoice. By default, the current date is pre-set through the system.
  • Invoice Positions: This element consists of a list of all assigned invoice positions.
  • Incoming Payment: This element consists of a list of all assigned incoming payments.

On the “Misc” tab:

  • Contact: With collective invoices the customers are added by the system. A collective invoice with projects with various invoice recipients can be issued through the action “split invoice” (not in the standard version).
  • Collective Invoice: With collective invoices, this field contains a corresponding link to the collective invoices (not in the standard version.
  • Method of Payment: This field is used for the print out of the invoice document.
  • Trade Discount: In this field a reduction of the invoice amount through a trade discount can be defined.
  • Cash Discount: In this field a reduction of the invoice amount through a cash discount can be defined.
  • Reason offer is missing: As information, the reason why this invoice is not based on a valid offer, can be entered here.
  • Rate: After selecting a project, the field rate is automatically pre-set as the local currency with the valid exchange rate (see also document type configuration). A differing rate can also be defined after the field has been pre-set (for example, for international projects, in which the currency risk should be minimized). The rates can be administered in the rate form.
  • Original Invoice: This field adminsters the invoice number, if a new invoice has been generated through a cancelled invoice.
  • Date Billed: When an invoice is included, the date and the time is pre-set by the system.
  • Date Cancelled: When an invoice is cancelled, the date and time is pre-set by the system.
  • Comments: This field is designated for comments regarding the invoice.

On the “Billing” tab:

  • Date Billed: This field specifies the billing date of the invoice.
  • Date Cancelled: This field specifies the date if the invoice is cancelled.

The document type contains the following actions:

  • Include all Expenses/Jobs (auch -Button): Using this action, all jobs and miscellaneous costs (receipts/vouchers, trips, travels, external/foreign costs and foreign invoice positions) regarding the defined invoices are displayed. After selecting the action, a dialog window with the relevant information concerning billing, is opened. After selecting jobs and costs, these are included into the invoice as invoice positions.
  • Add discount to invoice: Using this action, a discount position can be generated with the value from the trade discount field (“Misc” tab) by the system.
  • Add discount to all positions: Using this action, for each position a trade discount can be generated by the system with the value of the trade discount field (“Misc” tab).
  • Print invoice (Grouping Dialogue) or Print serial letter data source : Using this action, a complete invoice can be generated as an RTF file. The generated document can be printed through the browser or with a standard text editor. Alternatively, serial letter functionality can be applied (not included in the standard version).
  • Invoice time sheet (Report): Using this action, a chart is activated which lists all times of the billed jobs and costs. With the times, all modifications are considered for the positions (for example, modifications from 5 h to 8 h) and evenly distributed to the entered days.
  • Finalise Invoice: Using this action, an invoice can be included to the system, i.e. billing an invoice. This action assigns the status “Invoice Included”. Already included invoices cannot be used for new billing, because for all billed costs a corresponding mark is set. Exception: After cancelling an invoice, all positions are set back to the original state. Jobs are marked as partly billed, using the field billing period.
  • Cancel Invoice: Using this action, an invoice can be cancelled. If faulty data is entered or if an invoice is not or only partially accepted from the customer, this function can be used. Herewith, all invoice positions are regarded as not billed. The invoice can either be cancelled or using the action, „New Offer out of Cancellation“ a new invoice using this invoice as a basis, can be created. The cancellation procedure in Projectile correlates to a “complete cancellation”, i.e. cancellation of individual positions are not allowed.
  • New invoice out of cancellation: With this function, using the cancelled invoice to create a new invoice with identical structure is possible. This invoice can be, if applicable, modified and billed.
  • Delete Invoice: Using this action, an invoice (after cancellation) can be deleted.
  • Remove link to original invoice: This functionality removes the link to the original document, if the invoice was generated from a copy of the “cancelled” invoice.

If the functionality for collective invoices is implemented, the following actions exist:

  • Split invoice (not standard functionality): Using this function, an invoice (if an invoice recipient is defined in a project) can be automatically split in percentage for these customers. Invoices are then generated for the customers; the invoice amount an the positions are then divided in percentage regarding the definition in the project.
en/handbuch/kapitel_2/2.4.11_rechnung.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:11 (external edit)