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2.04.09 Foreign Invoice Position
The Foreign invoice Position form administers the positions of the incoming invoices. This document contains information about the project, the net amount and total amount of the position, the value-added tax, the cost type and the information, if a position has already been billed.
On the “Main” tab:
Foreign invoice: This field assigns a unique identification number to the foreign invoice, which is automatically defined from the system.
Position: This field species the number of foreign invoice positions, based on a unique number preset from the system automatically.
Description: In this field the description of the foreign invoice position is entered.
Project: In this field the project is assigned for the foreign invoice position.
Amount net: In this field the net amount of the foreign invoice position is defined. If the total amount and the value-added tax is entered, the system calculates this value automatically.
Value added tax: By selecting the value-added tax / purchase tax, the total amount of the postition is automatically calculated. The value-added tax can be defined and modified in the value-added tax form.
Amount gros: This field specifies the total amount of the foreign invoice position. If the net amount and the value-added tax is entered, the system calculates this value automatically.
Cost: This field specifies the cost type of the invoice position. The cost types can be defined and modified in the cost type form.
Note: This field is designated for comments regarding the invoice position.
On the “Job” tab:
On the “Item” tab:
Number of Items, Items: The amount and the type of items can be entered here if the position is related to the items (for example, databases, hardware, …). After clicking the green check mark, the internal and external budgets are defined from the purchase and sales prices of the external service.
On the “Misc” tab: