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2.12 Product Documentation and Ticket System "Product Management"

Using the component product management, product structures and/or service structures can be defined and change requests for modifications or errors can be assigned. These change requests can be directly assigned to projects, sub-projects or jobs.

Change Request/Tickets
Call Center

With component the structure of services or products are stored in the system. Change requests can be defined for these components. These requests (tickets) can be modifications/extentions, reductions or troubleshooting. When defining the tickets, the persons responsible and the performing employees receive a message (see also 2.11.1 Mail System " Mailer"). After the ticket is processed this is marked as “finished” and assigned to the quality control, which in turn can mark the ticket as tested. Finally, the tickets can then be approved.

Tip: For more on this subject see chapter 3.08 Product Management

en/handbuch/kapitel_2/2.12_produktdokumentation_und_ticketsystem_produktmanagement.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:11 (external edit)