Additional to the standard charts (see also chapter 2.05 Chart Evaluation System) an integrated report generator exists optionally. Besides the standard reports, the report generator offers a further possibility to evaluate the data pool from Projectile. Using report designer, existing reports can be adjusted and new reports can be created. In order to use or create a report, a corresponding query is required (quick search or “advanced search” from Projectile).
In Report-Designer columns can be selected (also through various tables), resorted and renamed, new columns from existing information can be calculated, as well as using various aggregate functions, etc. Furthermore, grouping with and without subtotals can be performed, the layout of the report adjusted or graphical charts configured.
The format for the chart of the generated reports can be selected as CHART, CSV, EDIT (for editing master data), HTML, PDF, RTF (standard format for text processing), View (browser view), XML und XLS (MS EXCEL).
Tip: For more on this subject see chapter Report Generator "ReportMaker"