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2.02.11 Statusreport

The Mask Statusreport consists of the following elements:

On the “Master data” tab:

  • Number: In this field the number of the status report will assign automatically from system.
  • Project: In this field the project, which was selected at the beginning of the status report put on, is indicated.
  • Report date: In this selection window the date and the time are indicated, on which one set the status report.
  • Employee: In this field the coworker is indicated, who put on the status report.
  • Status of appointment, Cost and Quality: In these selection fields the status of the dates, costs and the quality can be specified. To the selection stand favorable, regular, problematic and critical.
  • Rest of the personal contribution, external service and the material costs: Into this fields estimated residual values in EUR can be deposited concerning own, foreign achievement, as well as non-personnel costs.
  • Expected Projectenddate: In this selection box a date is specified, at which the project is to be finished.
  • Comments: This field makes the input of remark possible to the opened status report.

On the “Comments” tab:

  • Comments: In these fields comments can be noted to the following listed points, (critically, problematic, regular, favorable).
  • Positive and negative Notes: These fields make the input of positive or negative notes possible to the status report put on.
  • Critical Factors/Risks: Into this text fields the project manager can deposit critical factors or risks, which could arise in the project or already arose.
  • Project-CRs: Here associated requests for modification can be deposited in text form the project.

On the “DecisionDemand”:

  • DemandDesicion (1-10): In this field a name for the desion need can be assigned at will.
  • Employee: This field makes the input possible of the coworker concerned.
  • Contact: This field specifies the contact person from the customer for the statusreport.
  • Date: In this field the date, at which the decision need is to be locked, can be registered.
en/handbuch/kapitel_2/2.02.12_statusbericht.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:11 (external edit)