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2.02.07 State (Degree of Completion)

The State form allows assigning key data/figures for the project's progress. This data can be used for any report date. The project status is determined from the difference of the target/performance comparison to the degree of completion of a project.

The document type consists of the following elements:

  • Number: This alphanumerical field specifies a unique number for the degree of completion.
  • Project: In this field the respective project is selected, to which an estimation regarding the degree of completion is made. The projects can be defined and modified in the project form.
  • Report Date: This field specifies the report date, to which the estimation regarding the degree of completion is made. This field is automatically occupied with the current date from the system.
  • State: The field degree of completion specifies the estimated project's degree of completion in percent, on the respective report date.
  • Employee: This field specifies the employee, who estimated the degree of completion. Employees can be administered in the employee form.
  • Note: This field is designated for comments concerning the degree of completion.

On the “Misc” tab:

  • ID: The element number defines distinctly the decision boards in the system.
  • Explanation: This field makes the input of explanation possible to the completion.
en/handbuch/kapitel_2/2.02.08_fertigstellungsgrad.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:11 (external edit)