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2.02.07 State (Degree of Completion)
The State form allows assigning key data/figures for the project's progress. This data can be used for any report date. The project status is determined from the difference of the target/performance comparison to the degree of completion of a project.
The document type consists of the following elements:
Number: This alphanumerical field specifies a unique number for the degree of completion.
Project: In this field the respective project is selected, to which an estimation regarding the degree of completion is made. The projects can be defined and modified in the project form.
Report Date: This field specifies the report date, to which the estimation regarding the degree of completion is made. This field is automatically occupied with the current date from the system.
State: The field degree of completion specifies the estimated project's degree of completion in percent, on the respective report date.
Employee: This field specifies the employee, who estimated the degree of completion. Employees can be administered in the employee form.
Note: This field is designated for comments concerning the degree of completion.
On the “Misc” tab: