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2.01.30 To-Do

The To-Do form administers the general or assigned tasks throughout the system. The assigned tasks are assigned to either Customer, Contacts and/or to Jobs. The to-do form consists of information about the processing status, date, employee, contact information and the assigned jobs. The to-do's are predominantly assigned to jobs and can be used as check lists.

Tip: For more on this subject see chapter 3.11.10 To-Do Administration.

The form consists of the following elements:

On the “Main Data” tab:

  • Name: The short description for a task can be entered here.
  • Status: This field specifies the process status of the task. In the standard version the entries Entered(erfasst), In Process, Completed and Quitted are available.
  • Description: A detailed description of the task can be entered in this field. Dieses Feld ermöglicht die Eingabe
  • Target Date: A due date for the to-do (when to be completed) can be entered in this field.
  • Arranger: A task can be assigned to the responsible employee. If a to-do is created in the job, the employee responsible for the job is preallocated. The employee is defined in Employee.
  • Customer: This field refers to the ordering customer of the project. If a to-do is created in the job, the customer of the assigned project is preallocated here. The customers are administered in Contacts.
  • Contacts: This field key figures the contact person and is pre set automatically, if a to-do has been created in the job. The contact persons are administered in Contacts.
  • Job: In this field allows to link the to-do's to the Jobs. When creating a to-do from the job, this field is preallocated.

Onthe “Misc” tab:

  • Private: This flag can be used for private to-do's.
  • Issue, Open Decision, Meetings and Protocol Entry: These fields are part of the add-on module KompPlex and allow linking between issues and protocols to to-do.
  • Document Creator, Date Created: The user and the creation date are entered from the system here.
  • Parent To-Do's: Each to-do can be divided into an unlimited amount of to-do's and this field contains all superordinate to-do's.
  • Subordinate To-Do's: This field contains all subordinate to-do tasks, if the to-do's have been divided.
en/handbuch/kapitel_2/2.01.31_basic_-_to-do.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:11 (external edit)