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2.01.22 Occupation

The Occupation form administers all occupations for the project development. Every defined occupation can be assigned one external and two internal occupation rates (based on hours). The calculation rates are used for cost accounting, issuing a quotation and invoicing. The cost rate and production costs are needed for internal projects and for calculation of the actual project costs. The occupations are the basis for Costing and Pricing and furthermore, they build the base for the suggestion scheme (see also Jobs) and Employee Charts. The occupations can be structured in superior occupations and sub-occupations.

Tip: For more on this subject see chapter 3.11.05 Occupation Administration.

The form consists of the following elements:

  • Occupation: This alphanumeric field defines distinctly the occupation, in which one external and two internal hourly rates can be assigned.
  • Description: This field characterises the description of the occupation.
  • External Hourly Rate: This field specifies the external hourly rate, which can be assigned to the defined occupation. Thus, it is possible to bill single projects which are occupation-based (based on the external rate in which the Customer is billed). This cost rates can be modified for each Customer and every Project (see also customer related and project related occupations).
  • Internal Hourly Cost Rate: This field specifies the internal rate, which can be applied to a defined occupation.
  • Production Costs: This field specifies the production costs for the defined occupation. This internal charge/cost rate is needed for financial accounting for a stock corporation.
  • Superior/Parent Occupation: The field superior occupation characterises the existence of a higher-level occupation. If the selection form is empty, the occupation is not subdivided; which means this is the higher-level occupation itself. In the example, this field is empty, because the occupation is the superior occupation itself.
  • Sub-Occupation: This element specifies the sub-level occupation, when single occupations are compiled from several partial occupations (in the example, Java, C++, DB, Misc).
  • StatusActive: With help of the active toggle button, an occupation for further assignments (in Job for Project Planning or in Employee in Skill Management) can be activated.
  • Note: Comments concerning occupations can be entered in this field.
en/handbuch/kapitel_2/2.01.23_basic_-_taetigkeit.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:11 (external edit)