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2.01.10 Cost Type

The “Cost Type” form administers groupable cost types for the budget management and the cost input. The system distinguishes between project costs and overhead, that are subdivided in any order. Many project costs (voyage costs, travel costs, external services) are mandatory and cannot (like the chief cost types such as project costs and overhead) be deleted. The grouping of the cost types will be defined over the superior cost type.

Tip: Further information on this topic can be found in chapter 3.11.03 Administration of Cost Types.

The form contains the following elements:

  • Cost Type: This alphanumeric field specifies the exact cost types in the system for further use with the budget administration, cost accounting and billing module.
  • Description: The field “Description” allows for the description of the cost type and has informal characters.
  • Superior Cost Type: The field “Superior Cost Type” characterizes the existence of a higher cost type. If the option's form is empty, then the cost type is not subdivided; such as a superior cost type. The superior cost types in the system (project costs and common costs) can not be erased.
  • Sub Cost Types: This multiple option contains all derived cost types of the defined cost type.
  • Value-Added Tax: In this field the purchase tax will be used as the default Value-Added Tax.
  • Fibu-Account (only when using Billex): This field allows the allocation of an account out of accounting to define the cost type. This allocation, when using the “Dative-Interface” or with the “Fibu-Interface”, will be needed (Billex module).
  • Belongs to Voucher, Trip, Voyage or Order Handling: These attributes adjust the usage of the defined cost type in the cost accounting for Receipt, Trips and Travel.
  • With Surcharge for Labor Costs: This attribute is needed for surcharges with foreign cost positions, when these positions are based on labor costs. Projectile verifies during billing if in a bill a foreign cost position belongs to a supplier and adds, if applicable, these positions with a surcharge. If a surcharge is available or not available, will be adjusted in the cost type over the correspondent flag. The foreign surcharge cost will be saved in the form of two fields labeled “Project” or “Contact”.


  1. Field labeled “Surcharge for Labor Costs” in “Contact” (the tab labeled “Misc”)
  2. Field labeled “Surcharge for Labor Costs” in “Project”, will be handed-down from the customer (the tab labeled “Finances”)
  3. Cost type with a new field labeled “With Surcharge for Labor Costs”
  4. When the foreign cost position is taken over in a bill, the surcharge will be considered. When the attribute in the cost type is set, then within the project the position of the surcharge will be pulled down, otherwise the surcharge is set to the customer of the project.
en/handbuch/kapitel_2/2.01.10_key_-_kostenart.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:11 (external edit)