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2.05.01 Earned Value Chart
The Earned Value Analysis report lists the planned and actual expenses (in hours or man-days) as well as the percentage of completion (progress to previous period) for a project over any period. The so-called earned value and other key figures (BCWS, ACWP and BCWP) are determined from this data. The special feature of Earned Value Analysis is that the BCWP is used for project assessment as the third variable of the same unit in addition to the planned and actual values.
The mask consists of the following elements:
1. Name
Name: In this field the name of the evaluation is defined if it is to be saved (for example, for
time services or to manage the evaluation results).
Evaluation: The Earned Value Analysis contains the Earned Value Analysis. This evaluation generates the Earned Value Analysis for a selected project. The planned values, the actual values and the progress for the project structure or other criteria are deducted periodically. The earned value is calculated from the progress of the period (difference between the percentage of completion of the period under consideration and the previous period) and the total planned expenditure. The key figures BCWS, ACWP and BCWP are also determined here and the results are visualized in two figures.
Report Selection: In this field the new report selection can be selected.
3. Main Parameter
Evaluation Period: This selection box refers to the evaluation period (Start and End elements) and allows a parameterized definition of the period for the time services. This selection (Current week, Current month, …, Next week, Last week, …) can also be used to simplify the manual definition of start and end.
Start and End: In these fields, you can enter a time interval as a selection criterion to limit the analysis period for the evaluation.
4. Other Criteria
Period: In this selection box you can control the column property for the tabular evaluation. Taking this selection into account (weekly, monthly and quarterly), the periods for the plan values, actual values and progress are generated.
Progress Calculation: In this selection box, you can choose the type of progress calculation. For the grouping characteristic (see next element), the option from plan values determines the calculated percentage of completion (actual expenditure / planned expenditure), the option from estimates in the project uses the
percentage of completion from the project and the option from estimates in time recording uses the estimates from the
Grouping: This selection can be used to control the row property for the tabular evaluation. Taking this selection into account (by employee, by phase, by activity and by sub-project), the periods for the planned values, actual values and progress are generated.
Incl. Top Project: This checkbox indicates whether the option Grouping = by subproject should also consider the top project itself.
Working Hours/Day: If the next option Show as person days is used, the conversion factor between working hours and person days can be entered here.
Show as Person Days: If this option is active, all efforts are displayed as person days in the tabular evaluation (otherwise as hours).
Display Costs: If this option is active, all expenses are displayed in the tabular evaluation as EUR amounts (otherwise as hours).
5. View Settings
Width: This field defines the width in pixels (px) of the graphic evaluation.
Height: This field defines the height in pixels (px) of the graphic evaluation.
Display: With the help of this selection the generated evaluation can be generated in different formats. Supported formats are CHART (only graphic evaluation), CSV,
HTML (default setting), PDF, RTF (word processing) and XLS (MS Excel).
Display Evaluation: Here you can select whether the evaluation parameters are to be displayed.
6. Results
This tab contains the maximum number of results and the results of evaluations already performed.