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2.04.12 Outgoing Invoice Position

The Outgoing Invoice Position mask contains information on the invoice item, invoice description, cost element, number of hours or units of the invoice items, and external and internal invoice amount for the item.

General Data

The mask consists of the following elements:

  • Outgoing Invoice: This numeric field identifies the invoice to which the individual invoice items belong. This number is assigned automatically by the system.
  • Position: This alphanumeric field identifies the number of the invoice item using a unique number that is automatically assigned by the system.
  • Description: The description of the invoice item is entered in this field. By default, the system stores the descriptions of the underlying work packages and items from travel, travel expenses and material costs entry here.
  • Quantity: This field indicates the number of hours or person days that are included in the invoice item when work packages are transferred. If you modify the hourly value, the system automatically updates the external amounts in the invoice item.
  • Price per Unit: The Unit price field is determined by the external amount in the item divided by the hours. If no changes have been made to the data, the value in the External amount field (the external hourly rate for work packages) is the same as the valid external hourly rate.
  • AmountExternalOriginal: This field is used for an overview if a discount is granted on an item, as was the original amount of the item. This makes it easier to see how the value in the External amount field is made up. The difference External Amount Before Discount Less Discount is the External Amount.
  • Discount: This value specifies the percentage rate if a discount was granted for an item. The value can be set manually in the item or generated for all invoice items using the action “Generate discount on all items”.
  • Amount External: This field indicates the amount billed to the customer for this line item.
  • Amount Internal: This field indicates the amount used for internal calculations and evaluations. This shows the actual internal costs.
  • Cost: This field indicates the cost element of the invoice item. The cost elements can be defined and changed in the Cost Element mask.
  • Cost Center: This field allows you to adjust or override the cost center of the invoice item. The value is preset from the project.
  • Note: This field allows you to enter remarks about the invoice line item.
  • Source: This field refers to the transferred document of the invoice item (work package, receipt, drive, travel, external costs, external invoice.
  • Occupation: Is available as a grouping option for printing.
  • Employee: Is available as a grouping option for printing.
  • Project: Is available as a grouping option for printing.
  • Process: Is available as a grouping option for printing.
  • Rounding Compensation: Depending on rounding differences, an invoice item is marked as rounding compensation by the system.
  • Job: Here you can see to which work package the invoice item belongs.
  • Pre-Invoice: Preliminary Invoice.
  • Grouping Field: Allows for sorting and grouping lines according to values in this field.


These fields show revision-proof information that cannot be changed.

  • OriginalOccupation: The occupation of the outgoing invoice position.
  • OriginalExternalPrice: The external price of the outgoing invoice position.
  • OriginalInternalPrice: The internal price of the outgoing invoice position.
  • OriginalHours: The hours of the outgoing invoice position.
en/gui5/handbuch/kapitel_2/2.4.12_rechnungsposition.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/09 11:41 by alexandra