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2.04.04 Order Position

The mask order position contains the reference to the order confirmation as well as information about the item, description, number of hours or units, the external and internal amount of the order confirmation and the cost element. The order value is determined from the amounts of the individual items.

The mask consists of the following elements:

General Data

  • Order: This field identifies the order confirmation to which the individual items belong.
  • Position/Number: These fields identify the number of the order confirmation item using a unique number that is automatically preassigned by the system.
  • Description: The description of the order confirmation item is entered in this field. The system defaults to the descriptions of the underlying work packages or costs as standard.
  • Quantity: This field indicates the number of hours or the number of items that are included in the order confirmation item when work packages are transferred. If you modify the value, the system automatically updates the external amounts in the order confirmation item.
  • Price per Unit: The price per unit is displayed here.
  • AmountExternalOriginal: This field indicates the amount that is offered to the customer for this item. This value is preset by the system from the planning data or the associated quotation item.
  • Discount: A discount can be entered here.
  • Price: The price of the order item is displayed here.
  • Costs: This field indicates the amount that is incurred as internal costs. This value is preset by the system from the planning data or the associated quotation item.
  • Profit: This field shows the difference between the order value and the imputed costs within this order item.
  • Type of Cost: This field indicates the cost type of the order item. This value is provided by the system from the planning data or the associated quotation item.
  • Grouping Field: This field allows positions to be combined into one.
  • Note: This field allows you to enter remarks on the order confirmation item.
  • Source: This field refers to the referenced projectile document of the item (for example, work package, budget, external services).
  • Original Offer Positions: This field is filled automatically if the order was created from an offer.


These fields show revision-proof information that cannot be changed.

  • OriginalOccupation: Here you can find the occupation of the order position.
  • OriginalExternalPrice: Here you can find the external price of the order position.
  • OriginalInternalPrice: The internal price of the order position is listed here.
  • OriginalHours: The hours of the order position are listed here.
en/gui5/handbuch/kapitel_2/2.4.04_auftragsbestaetigungsposition.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/09 11:43 by alexandra