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2.03.07 Status Report

The status report mask allows you to evaluate a project at any time. These subjective and/or qualitative characteristics are automatically supplemented by quantitative key figures for reporting purposes. Based on the information of this mask and the evaluation system, an RTF file is generated, which contains information about the evaluations and decision needs, effort and cost information and the Earned Value Analysis.

The mask contains the following elements:

General Data

  • Project: This field defines the project to which the defined task belongs. A task can be assigned to both a main project and a sub-project. The projects can be defined and changed in the Project mask.
  • Reporting Period: Here the user enters the reporting period of the status report, i.e. the time period over which the report is to be made.
  • Report Date: The field Report date marks the date and time of the status report. By default, the current date is provided by the system.
  • Next Report Date: The date of the next status report is entered here (for example, for a reminder).
  • Employee: Here the system preassigns the employee responsible for the status report. The employees are managed in the mask employees.
  • Overall Status: Here the user enters the overall status of the project. The standard statuses are 0 - Favourable, 1- Scheduled, 2 - Problematic and 3 - Critical. The status can be defined and changed in the Collections (ProjectReportStates).
  • Dates Status: Here the user enters the date status of the project. The standard statuses are 0 - Favourable, 1- Scheduled, 2 - Problematic and 3 - Critical. The status can be defined and changed in the Collections (ProjectReportStates).
  • Costs Status: Here the user enters the cost status of the project. The standard statuses are 0 - Favourable, 1 - Scheduled, 2 - Problematic and 3 - Critical. The status can be defined and changed in the Collections (ProjectReportStates).
  • Quality Status: Here the user enters the quality status of the project. The standard statuses are 0 - Favourable, 1- Scheduled, 2 - Problematic and 3 - Critical. The status can be defined and changed in the Collections (ProjectReportStates).
  • Remaining Internal Activity: Here the presumed remaining costs for the internal activity of the project are stored as a forecast.
  • Remaining External Activity: The estimated remaining costs for the external activity of the project are stored here as a forecast.
  • Remaining Material Costs: Here the presumed remaining costs for the material costs of the project are entered as a forecast.
  • Expected Project End Date: The estimated end date of the project is entered here.
  • Comment: This field can be used for comments on the status report.


  • Comment Critical, Problematic, Scheduled and Favourable: : Comments on the status messages Dates, Costs and Quality (see master data sheet) are stored here if necessary.
  • Positive and Negative Comments: Here you can enter positive and negative comments on the project progress.
  • Critical Factors/Risks: Critical factors or risks for the project process can be entered here. Another possibility to manage risks for the project is the module risk management.
  • Project Change Requests: Here you can enter change requests for the project. Another possibility to store change requests for the project is the mask project change.

Risk Assessment

The risk assessment in the status report (implementation example) is used to regularly update the initial risk assessment in the project as part of the status report.


The mask contains the following actions:

  • Print Status Report: This action enables you to generate the complete status report in RTF format. The generated document can be printed from the browser or the standard word processor.
en/gui5/handbuch/kapitel_2/2.3.08_statusbericht.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/04 15:23 by alexandra