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2.01.18 Customerwise External Price

The mask customerwise external price manages the external hourly rates that are used differently from the standard rates (usually defined in the activities) for a specific customer.

The mask consist of the following elements:

  • Company: This field indicates the corresponding contact for the changed activity records.
  • Employee: This field identifies the employee for whom changed records exist.
  • Function: This field indicates the employee's function for the record.
  • External Hourly Rate: The calculation rate per hour for this employee is defined here. This rate is then used (if there is no project-related change) for quotations and invoices.
  • Note: This field is used to enter comments on the customer-specific employee record.
en/gui5/handbuch/kapitel_2/2.01.19_basic_-_kundenweiser_mitarbeitersatz.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/28 10:56 by alexandra