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2.01.16 Decision Board

The mask Decision Board manages the persons involved in the sales pipeline (contact persons) in the system. The role, influence, attitude and other settings can be entered here.

The mask consists of the following elements:

  • Id: The Number element uniquely identifies the decision-makers in the system.
  • Sales Pipeline: This field assigns a sales funnel to the decision maker.
  • Company: This field assigns a sales activity to the decision maker.
  • Contact Person: This field defines the contact person for the contact with the decision maker.
  • SalesRole: The roles of the decision maker (for example, user, decision maker, approver, inspector, and so on) defined in the collections (see administration guide) can be stored in the Role field.
  • Influence: In the influence field, you can store the characteristics of the influence defined in the collections (see administration guide) (for example, large, medium, small, and so on).
  • Attitude and Reason for Attitude: In the attitude field, you can store the attitudes of the decision maker defined in the collections (see administration guide) (for example, positive, neutral, negative, and so on). In the free text field Reason, you can enter a reason for the attitude.
  • BusinessGoal, PersonalGoal and DecisionCriteria. Here you can enter further attitudes of the decision-maker, such as business goal, personal goal and decision criteria.
  • Note: This field allows you to enter comments on the decision-maker.
en/gui5/handbuch/kapitel_2/2.01.17_basic_-_entscheidungstraeger.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/30 15:18 by alexandra