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4.11.01 Fixed Price Invoice, Advance Payment Invoice and Final Invoice


In the billing module you can also create (alongside to generating offers, order confirmations, recording invoices) outgoing invoices. Basically there are several accounting/billing variants in the system (according to effort, fixed price, advance payment, final and alternate/periodic invoice). On the bases of different pricing models, the projects can be flexibly billed, as agreed upon with the client/customer.

The invoice can be created by using the action “Generate new offer“.

The system creates an invoice header with pre-set fields, invoice-ID, invoice number, project, value-added tax, billing/accounting type, creator (employee) and invoice date.

Alternatively a new document of the type invoice can also be created in the work area by using the action “New Document” (but then the project must be assigned manually).

Billing/accounting types such as advance payment, final invoice (on offer basis), effort, fixed price (on offer basis) and service are available in the system. If the billing/accounting type advance payment or fixed price is defined, the system creates the invoice automatically. Thereby the fixed price invoice is considered as a special case of the advance payment invoice with a deduction of 100%. As a base for the billable amount, the assigned offer will be brought up at first or (if not existing or assigned) the values of the fixed price and plan revenue in the project (also in this order). By the billing/accounting type ‘final invoice’, all valid invoices of the project are considered and the balance is calculated (again based on offer value, fixed price, or plan revenue). By the billing/accounting type ‘effort’, the system transfers all billable time/effort (jobs, receipts/bills, driving expenses, travel expenses and other costs/expenses) in the invoice, at which several positions if necessary can be post processed. The billing/accounting type ’service’ provides periodic invoices, for example for maintenance contracts.

If the invoice is based on a current offer, it can be assigned accordingly to a selected project.

Invoicing Categories

Fixed Price

In the example below the billing/accounting type ‘fixed price’ based on an offer is selected. With this billing/accounting type Projectile automatically creates invoice positions with the appropriate values. For this invoice the classification to the offer is set, therefore offer positions are considered as invoice positions and transferred as the invoice amount the offer value.

Advance Payment / Partial Payment

With the billing/accounting type ‘advance payment’ the system automatically creates an invoice position (line) with the appropriate share of the offer value and/or budget. For this invoice the classification to the offer is set, therefore the invoice amount of 35%…

… of the offer (hier EUR 6.342,00) is transferred.

Final Invoice

By the billing/accounting type ‘final invoice’ the system creates an invoice position automatically with the non-deducted amount of the budget. For this invoice the classification to the offer is set and an invoice of (EUR 17.106, 60) is posted, therefore…

…the balance (here EUR 31.769, 40) of the invoice amount is transferred.