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3.11.05 Occupation Administration

The occupations in Projectile are the basis for staff planning, internal accounting and billing. As a basis for determining the internal costs and billable services are the charging rates which are assigned to these occupations. This definition applies to the entire installation.

For project-related differences in pricing and costing, these billing rates can be modified for each project.

Required fields: Occupation, Description (when using the skill-matrix chart)


Data Management

If an existing occupation is to be extended or modified, the relevant documents can be searched in the search engine

… and displays the appropriate search results.

After activating the link, the selected document is opened and the changes or modifications can be made. In the following example, the occupation “Programming - DB” is divided into three sub-occupations. First, “New Document” in the element sub-occupation is activated.

The system creates a new document of the type “occupation” and pre-populates the document with the cost rates automatically.

Then, the remaining entries are defined and the the document is saved.

Further sub-occupations can be copied, modified and saved using “Create new document from this template” …

In the example, the occupations Programming - Oracle and …

… Programming - MS SQL are generated. The sub-occupations are then automatically transfered to the parent occupation.

Defining New Occupations

To define a new occupation, the functionality “Create” with the document type “occupation” is used.

After clicking the create, a new document is generated.

After all the information is entered, the document is then saved using

In the example, a new occupation “Construction” has been created.

This occupation can bedivided into sub-occupations as described above.

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