Number: In this field the number of the status report will assign automatically from system.
Project: In this field the project, which was selected at the beginning of the status report put on, is indicated.
Report date: In this selection window the date and the time are indicated, on which one set the status report.
Employee: In this field the coworker is indicated, who put on the status report.
Status of appointment, Cost and Quality: In these selection fields the status of the dates, costs and the quality can be specified. To the selection stand favorable, regular, problematic and critical.
Rest of the personal contribution, external service and the material costs: Into this fields estimated residual values in EUR can be deposited concerning own, foreign achievement, as well as non-personnel costs.
Expected Projectenddate: In this selection box a date is specified, at which the project is to be finished.
Comments: This field makes the input of remark possible to the opened status report.