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2.01.28 Item

The Item form administers the items (also third-party/external services) in the system, which can be billed project-related. The items of the company's own product portfolio or external services, the purchase price and selling price can be stored here. These services can be billed project-related in Item Sheet at Tracking and Recording. Furthermore, this document type also displays the warehouse stock of the items and the minimum stock limit can be defined as information when going below this lowest limit.

Tip: For more on this subject see chapter 3.11.09 Item Administration.

Note: The items are either the company's own items or external services, such as hosting packages, volumn transfers (traffic), license packages, etc. These components can be used in Budget, Offer and entering external costs and as Contract.

The form consists of the following elements:

On the “master data” tab:

On the “Details” tab:

On the “Misc” tab: