Customer: This field assigns to the corresponding contact the sales pipeline.
Employee: This field specifies the publisher of the sales pipeline. The emplyees can be difined or changed in the dokument
Number: The element “Number” specifies distinctly the sales pipeline in System.
Reference: The doposited reference types of the collection can be selected and defined in the field reference (e.g. training, workshops, etc.).
Potential: The in the Collections (see Administration Guide) defined gradation, regarding the quality of the business contact (e.g. A-contact, B-contact or C-contact) can be stored in the field Potential.
SalesPhase: The in the Collections (see Administration Guide) defined distribution phase(e.g. first contact, qualified contact, information material, presentation, offer, etc.) can be stored in the field distribution phase.
NeedForAction: The in the Collections (see Administration Guide) defined gradation, regarding the need for action (e.g. low, significant or mandatory) can be stored in the field need for action.
SalesProbability: The offer probability of the distribution activity is stored here.
Hours: In service projects the potential work/input in hours can be stored here.
BilledVolume: In service projects this value is the product of the work/input in hours and the hourly rate.
Budget: The total budget of the distribution activity is stored here.
P.O. date: This field specifies the creation date of the sales pipeline.
Price: The potential hourly rate with service products can be stored here.
VolumeOfSales: The potential order value of the distribution activity is stored (or calculated) here. In the example, an order of EUR 40.000,00 to the possibility of 75% is calculated in the beginning of February 2012.
Note: Notes concerning the sales pipeline can be entered here.
DecisionBoard: As many decision-makers as needed, including their settings for the sales pipeline, can be stored here. These persons and their settings can be defined in the document decision-maker.