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2.01.12 Customer

The “Customer” form administers the business contacts. All information about the company of the customer, like the description, address and ways of communication are stored and saved here. For a better overview of all the structural business contacts and for better processing, it is possible to save and store information related to the category, the reference, contact type, as well as the corresponding branch. Furthermore, the currency and the charge rate can be administered as well. This data is needed for defining projects in the document type project and is necessary for posting proposals and invoicing into the billing document Billing Module.

Tip: Further information to this topic can be found in chapter 3.11.04 The Contact System.

The form contains the following elements:

On the “Master data” tab:

On the “Marketing” tab (implementation example):

On the tab “Sales” (implementation example):

On the tab “Address”:

On the “Communication” tab:

On the “Financial data” tab:

On the “DependentDocuments” tab:

On the “Misc” tab:

The document/form type contains the following actions: