Number: This field identifies the third-party invoice (usually the invoice number of the incoming invoice).
Type: Here you can pick the invoice type. You can decide between ForeignInvoice or SupplierCredit.
Status: This field is determined by the system and indicates the status of the foreign invoice based on the actions performed using the Action function. After a new foreign invoice is created, it automatically receives the status “No foreign invoice”, when the quotation is accepted, it receives the status “Foreign invoice accepted”, and after cancellation, it receives the status “Foreign invoice cancelled”.
Supplier: This field identifies the supplier for the defined third-party invoice. The suppliers can be defined and changed in the Contact screen (with the contact type supplier).
Rebilling: This field is used to flag an A/P invoice as billable for A/R invoices and is inherited by the A/P invoice line item.
Project: If the invoice belongs to a project, the project is displayed here.
Service Period (From/To): These fields indicate the service interval for the external invoice. In the case of services, the period in which the billed services were performed by the vendor is entered here. This information is required for accrual/deferral in the income statement. If this interval is not filled, the system uses the invoice date.
Net Amount: In this field, the system automatically enters the net amount of the foreign invoice items.
Gross Amount: In this field, the system automatically enters the gross amount of the foreign invoice items.
Created by: In this field, you can enter the person who entered the foreign invoice from the selection menu.
Invoice Date: This field indicates the date of the foreign invoice. The system defaults to the current date as standard.
Date Due: In this field, you enter the date when the invoice is due.
Booking Date: This field indicates the date of the posting. By default, the system defaults to the current date. This field is used to create posting records for external financial accounting.
Note: This field enables you to enter remarks about a third-party invoice.