Contract: This field assigns a unique identification number to the contract, which is assigned automatically by the system.
Position: This field identifies the number of the contract item using a unique number that is automatically preset by the system.
Description: This field indicates the description of the contract item.
Date: This field indicates the date of partial billing.
Degree of Completion: This field can be used as an alternative to the date if no fixed date has been agreed for the partial bill, but a percentage of completion.
Percentage Discount: At this point, the discount is displayed as a percentage.
Absolute Discount: At this point, the total amount of the discount is displayed.
Note: This field allows you to enter remarks on the invoice item.
Billed: This indicator is set if the payment plan has already been invoiced.
Outgoing Invoice: This field contains the number of the created invoice. This invoice number can be used to access the existing invoice.