Number: This numeric field assigns the quotation header a unique identification number which is automatically proposed by the system.
Status: This field is determined by the system and indicates the status of the quotation based on the actions performed using the Action function. When a new offer is created, it automatically receives the status “No offer”, when the offer is transferred, it receives the status “Offer accepted” and after cancellation, it receives the status “Offer cancelled”.
Company: This field shows the company to which the offer was made.
Contact Person: This field shows the contact person of the company.
Project: In this field the project is selected for which a quotation is to be created. Projects can be defined and changed in the Project mask. An offer can only be created for an external project.
Service Period (From/To): These fields indicate the service interval for the offer.
Net Amount: In this field, the net amount of the offer items is automatically entered by the system.
VAT: In this field, the sales tax valid for this offer is entered from the selection menu. By default, this field defaults to the tax rate valid in the country assigned in the Configuration screen. The VAT can be defined and modified in the sales tax mask.
Gross Amount: In this field, the system automatically enters the gross amount of the quotation items.
Created By: In this field, the person who created the offer is automatically preassigned by the system.
Date of Creation: This field indicates the date of the offer creation. The system defaults to the current date.
Vat Amount: Here you can find the VAT amount that the system automatically enters.
Offer Valid Until: The validity date of the quotation is entered in this field.
Note: This field can be used for comments on the offer.