Number: This field identifies the milestone by means of a unique identifier.
Description: The Description field is used to specify the milestone in more detail.
Main Project: This field identifies the created main project.
Project: This field identifies the project to which the milestone is assigned. Milestones must always be assigned to projects or sub-projects. It is not possible to assign them to work packages. Projects can be defined and changed in the project mask.
Category: In this selection field, the category of the milestone is defined (work results, management milestone, project milestone, quality gate).
Fixed: If this flag is set, the milestone is not moved when performing a forward or backward calculation in the project planning.
Milestone Deadline: The Milestone date field defines the date by which the milestone should be reached.
Closed: This field refers to invoicing by milestone. If a milestone is completed using the indicator, the system creates a partial invoice with the discount or the amount (see also contract and invoice).
Responsible: The Person responsible field defines the employee who is responsible for reaching the milestone. The employees are managed in the employees mask.
Created by: This field allows you to enter the employee who created the milestone.
Date of Creation: The Creation date field indicates the creation date of the milestone. This date is automatically assigned the current date by the system.
Note: This field allows you to enter remarks on the milestone.