[[3.11.04_das_kontaktsystem_-_crm|{{|previous}}]] [[en:handbuch:handbuch|{{|Home}}]] [[3.11.06_verwaltung_von_mitarbeitern|{{|next}}]] ====== 3.11.05 Occupation Administration ====== The occupations in Projectile are the basis for staff planning, internal accounting and billing. As a basis for determining the internal costs and billable services are the charging rates which are assigned to these occupations. This definition applies to the entire installation. For project-related differences in [[en:handbuch:kapitel_a:glossar_#pricing]] and [[en:handbuch:kapitel_a:_glossar_#costing]], these billing rates can be modified for each project. {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_3:occup_admin1.jpg|}} **Required fields:** Occupation, Description (when using the skill-matrix chart) **Characteristics:** * The cost rates for billing of services are used only for projects where there is no customer rates, project rates or employee rates have been defined (see also document types [[en:handbuch:kapitel_2:2.01.13_basic_-_kontakt | customer]] and [[en:handbuch:kapitel_2:2.02.02_projekt | project]]). * The internal cost rates will only be used if no entry for the internal charge rate for the employee (or the [[en:handbuch:kapitel_2: 2.01.25_basic_ - _mitarbeitervertrag | 2.01.25 employment contract]]) is stored. * The production costs can be used with certain accounting of the company; in the standard version of these rates are not used in cost accounting. ===== Data Management ===== If an existing occupation is to be extended or modified, the relevant documents can be searched in the [[en:handbuch:kapitel_4:4.02_suchen_und_finden | search engine]] ... {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_3:occup_admin2.jpg|}} ... and displays the appropriate search results. {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_3:occup_admin3.jpg|}} After activating the link, the selected document is opened and the changes or modifications can be made. In the following example, the occupation "Programming - DB" is divided into three sub-occupations. First, "New Document" in the element sub-occupation is activated. {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_3:occup_admin4.jpg|}} The system creates a new document of the type "occupation" and pre-populates the document with the cost rates automatically. {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_3:occup_admin5.jpg|}} Then, the remaining entries are defined and the the document is saved. Further sub-occupations can be copied, modified and saved using "Create new document from this template" ... {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_3:occup_admin6.jpg|}} In the example, the occupations Programming - Oracle and ... {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_3:occup_admin7.jpg|}} ... Programming - MS SQL are generated. The sub-occupations are then automatically transfered to the parent occupation. {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_3:occup_admin8.jpg|}} ===== Defining New Occupations ===== To define a new occupation, the functionality "Create" with the document type "occupation" is used. {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_3:occup_admin9.jpg|}} After clicking the create, a new document is generated. {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_3:occup_admin10.jpg|}} After all the information is entered, the document is then saved using {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_3:save_icon.jpg|}} {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_3:occup_admin11.jpg|}} In the example, a new occupation "Construction" has been created. {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_3:occup_admin12.jpg|}} This occupation can bedivided into sub-occupations as described above. {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_3:occup_admin13.jpg|}} [[3.11.05 Verwaltung von Tätigkeiten (Kundenweise Tätigkeiten)|...continued 1]]