[[2.5.02_fakturaauswertung|{{|previous}}]] [[en:handbuch:handbuch|{{|Home}}]] [[2.5.04_kapazitaetsauswertung|{{|next}}]] ====== 2.05.03 Gantt-Chart====== The **Gantt Chart** processes the project-related bar charts. A bar chart is a chart for visualizing the time plan of a project. The duration of a job or project is symbolized through the length of the bar on the timeline. The bars can be comprised of either actual or planned data. Events or milestones are displayed as time points. The parameters available for the generated charts are the display possibilities (through projects, jobs, milestones, with links, with the date) and the size of the generated jpg image. **Tip:** For more on this subject see chapter [[en:handbuch:kapitel_4:4.12.1_bedienung_der_standardauswertungen|4.12.1 Applying Charts]] and [[en:handbuch:kapitel_3:3.12.03_gantt-diagramm | 3.12.03 Gantt Chart]]. The form consists of the following elements: ===== 1. Name ===== {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_2:gantt1.png|}} * **Name:** In this field the name of the chart is defined, if this should be saved (for example, for time services or for administrating the chart results). * **Description:** In this field the description of the chart is defined, if this should be saved. * **Chart:** The Gantt chart contains the charts: * Gantt-Graph * Gantt-Table/Spreadsheet ===== 2. Input Data===== {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_2:gantt2.png|}} * **Search:** It is possible to search for data for the chart with this selection box. This search entry must relate to the supported catagories. * **Search machine: Search Word and Category:** This element is used to filter the selected data from the categories. Only the document type contact, employee, project and unit is available for selection. How to operate the search machine is described in chapter and can be performed, if necessary, a multiple amount of times. * **Input Data:** Under this field, the selected selection criteria for the chart are listed. This input data can derive from the „professional search“(Profisuche), the standard search machine or the personal clipboard. ===== 3. Main Parameters ===== {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_2:gantt3.png|}} * **Chart Period:** This drop-down box refers to the chart's time span (elements start and end) and allows a parameterised definition of the time span for the time services. This selection (current week, current month, …, next week, last week, …) can be also used to simplify the manual definition of start and end. * **Start and End:** In this field a time interval can be entered as selection criteria to limit the given period for the chart. ===== 4. Further Criteria ===== {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_2:gantt4.png|}} * **Display Mode:** Data can be selected with this element (only actual, only planned, planned and actual). With the option only planned, only the planned data is visualized, with the option only actual, only the actual data (from recording and estimations) is displayed and the option plannned and actual visualizes the planned data as well as the actual data. * **Only Top Projects:** With this check box it is determined if only the top project should be used for the Gantt chart. * **Show Projects:** With this check box it is determined if the project and sub-projects should be displayed. * **Show jobs:** With this check box it is determined if the jobs should be displayed. * **Show processes:** With this check box it is determined if the processes (jobs with various employees) should be displayed. * **Show links (jump sequence):** With this check box it is determined if the links (jump sequences) should be displayed. * **Show Milestones:** With this check box it is determined if the milestones should be displayed. * **Show Dates:** With this check box it is determined if the date should be displayed. * **Show Employee :** With this check box it is determined if the assigned employee for the project structure elements (projects, jobs, milestones) should be displayed. * **Calculate Costs:** This option is for the evaluation of the Gantt table/spreadsheet and controls the application of the costs and revenue in the chart. * **Cost Center:** Cost centers can be selected as selection criteria with this selection list. This cost center refers to the cost center of the project and limits the selection of the given period (only projects are displayed, which are assigned to this/these cost center(s)). * **Project Category:** Project categories can be selected as selection criteria with this selection list. These categories refer to the catagory of the project and limit the selection of the project (only projects are displayed, which are assigned to this/these project category/categories). * **Status:** Status (passiv, active, advance service, …) can be selected as selection criteria with this drop-down box. This status refers to the entries of the project and limit the selection of the project (only projects are displayed, which have the selected status). * **Priority:** Priority can be selected as selection criteria with this drop-down box. These values refer to the priority of the project(also when in the jobs differing priorities are assigned) and limit the selection of the project. * **External Order/Project:** This selection refers to the external attribute of the project and limits the selection of the project (only external projects are displayed). * **Filter Unit of Employee:** This option controls if the project-related unit (checkbox unmarked) or the employee-related unit (check box marked) should be used for the chart. ===== 5. Adjustment of Chart Display ===== {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_2:gantt5.png|}} * **Width:** The width in pixel (px) is determined for the graphical chart in this field. * **Line Height:** The size of the font in points (pt) is determined for the graphical chart in this field. * **Display:** The generated chart can be generated in various formats with this selection. HTML (standard setting), CSV, XLS (MS Excel), PDF, RTF (text processing) are supported. ===== 6. Results===== {{:en:handbuch:kapitel_2:gantt6.png|}} The results of the already processed chart are found in this tab.