[[2.4.13_zahlungseingang|{{|previous}}]] [[en:handbuch:handbuch|{{|Home}}]] [[2.5.01_earned-value-analyse|{{|next}}]] ====== 2.05 Chart Evaluation System ====== The **Chart Evaluation System** supports the project management of the persons responsible for the projects with current information and overviews. The work/service verification, cost lists and various charts are available in the form of tabular and graphical charts. The module contains the document types:\\ [[2.5.01 Earned-value-analyse|2.05.01 Earned-value-analysis]]\\ [[2.5.02 Fakturaauswertung|2.05.02 Invoicing Chart]]\\ [[2.5.03 Gantt-diagramm|2.05.03 Gannt diagram]]\\ [[2.5.04 Kapazitaetsauswertung|2.05.04 Capacity Chart]]\\ [[2.5.05 Kontaktauswertung|2.05.05 Contact Chart]]\\ [[2.5.07 Mitarbeiterauswertung|2.05.07 Employee Chart]]\\ [[2.5.08 Portfolio-auswertung|2.05.08 Portfolio Chart]]\\ [[2.5.09 Projektauswertung|2.05.09 Project Chart]]\\