[[2.5.05_kontaktauswertung|{{|Back}}]] [[..:handbuch|{{|Home}}]] [[2.5.08_portfolio-auswertung|{{|Next}}]] ====== 2.05.06 Employee Chart ====== The employee evaluation realizes the employee-related evaluations and overviews regarding utilization and capacities. These include general overviews, time and activity statements, plan/actual comparisons, capacity utilization and capacity evaluations and overviews of absences (vacation, illness, etc.). {{:en:gui5:handbuch:kapitel_2:bildschirmfoto_2021-06-11_um_16.28.16.png?|}} {{:en:gui5:handbuch:kapitel_2:bildschirmfoto_2021-06-11_um_16.28.26.png?|}} The mask consists of the following elements: ===== 1. Name ===== * **Name:** In this field, you define the name of the evaluation if it is to be saved (for example, for time services or to manage the evaluation results). * **Evaluation:** Employee evaluation includes the following evaluations: * Employee Overview * Time Statements * Activity Reports & Time Sheets * Employees Planned/Actual * Attendance/Absence Overview * Project Time Internal/External * Evaluation of Resources * Absence Overview * Project Time Internal/External * Service Report * Printout Team Calendar and the [[..:kapitel_2:2.5.04_kapazitaetsauswertung|Capacity Evaluations:]] * Capacity Utilization Overview I, II and III * Capacity Evaluation I, II and III * Calendar Overview I and II * **Report Selection:** In this field the new report selection can be selected. ===== 2. Input Data ===== * **Professional Search:** This selection box allows you to use professional searches for the input data of the evaluation. However, these professional searches must refer to the supported categories. * **Search Engine: Quick Search and Category:** This element is used to filter the selected data from the categories. The document categories Work package, Employee, Project, Activity and Unit are available for selection. The operation of the search engine is also described in section 3.02.3 and can be executed several times here if necessary. * **Input Data:** This field lists the selected selection criteria for the evaluation. This input data can come from the professional search, the standard search engine or the personal file. ===== 3. Main Parameters ===== * **Evaluation Period:** This selection box refers to the evaluation period (Start and End elements) and allows a parameterized definition of the period for the time services. This selection (Current week, Current month, ..., Next week, Last week, ...) can also be used to simplify the manual definition of start and end. * **Start and End:** In these fields, you can enter a time interval as a selection criterion to limit the analysis period for the evaluation. {{:en:gui5:handbuch:kapitel_2:bildschirmfoto_2021-06-11_um_16.28.37.png?|}} {{:en:gui5:handbuch:kapitel_2:bildschirmfoto_2021-06-11_um_16.28.49.png?|}} ===== 4. Other Criteria ===== * **Cost Center:** In this selection box you can choose cost centers as selection criteria. These cost centers refer to the employees' cost center and restrict the selection of the employees considered accordingly (only employees assigned to this (these) cost center(s) are displayed). * **Project Type:** In this selection box, you can choose project type as a selection criterion. These types refer to the category of the project and restrict the selection of the project accordingly (only projects assigned to this (these) project type(s) are displayed). * **External Order:** This selection refers to the external indicator of the project and restricts the selection of the project accordingly (only external projects are displayed). * **Period:** This selection box is used in the capacity evaluation to define a period (weekly, monthly, ...) for the capacities for the selected employees. * **Include Previous Month and Flexitime:** The include previous month option takes into account the flextime hours (overtime or undertime) of the previous month and the Include flextime option takes into account all flextime (from the first employee contract; see also Working Time Management). * **Documents without Actual Effort:** This option controls whether lines without actual effort should also be listed in the generated report (indicator set) or suppressed (indicator not set). * **Work Packages in Detail:** This indicator controls whether work packages (indicator set) or operations (indicator not set) should be displayed in the generated evaluation. * **One Line per Time Recording:** This indicator controls whether one line per time recording should be displayed in the generated evaluation. If the indicator is not set, one line is displayed per work package. {{:en:gui5:handbuch:kapitel_2:bildschirmfoto_2021-06-11_um_16.28.58.png?|}} ===== 5. Settings for View ===== * **Width:** This field defines the width in pixels (px) of the graphic evaluation. * **Height:** This field is used to specify the size of the font in points (pt) for graphical evaluation. * **With Illustration:** With the help of this selection, in addition to the lists, graphics can be generated for some evaluations. * **Display:** With the help of this selection the generated evaluation can be generated in different formats. Supported formats are HTML (default setting), CSV, XLS, RTF and PDF. * **Chart Type:** With the help of this selection a chart type can be chosen for the generated evaluation. Projectile offers various bar charts (2D, 3D, vertical, horizontal, ...), bar stacks, line and area charts, pie charts and bubble charts. * **Paper Size:** In this selection box, the paper format can be specified. Based on the entered size of the sheet, the evaluation is displayed larger or smaller. * **Landscape:** With the help of this option the evaluation can be displayed and printed as landscape format. * **Display Evaluation Parameters:** Here you can select whether the evaluation parameters are to be displayed. {{:en:gui5:handbuch:kapitel_2:bildschirmfoto_2021-06-11_um_16.29.04.png?|}} ===== 6. Results ===== This tab contains the maximum number of results and the results of evaluations already performed.