[[2.01.28_basic_-_warengruppe|{{|Back}}]] [[..:handbuch|{{|Home}}]] [[2.01.30_basic_-_preise|{{|Next}}]] ====== 2.01.28 Item ====== The **item** mask manages the articles (or external services) in the system, which can be invoiced on a project-related basis. Here you can store articles of the company's own product portfolio or external services with purchase and sales price. These services can be invoiced project-related in the mask [[..:kapitel_2:2.3.07_fremdkosten|external costs]] when [[..:kapitel_2:2.03_erfassungsmodul|entering]] them. In addition, this document type also provides information about the stock level of the article and enables the definition of the minimum stock level for the information if this minimum level is not reached. Note: The articles are either own articles or external services like hosting packages, volume transfer (traffic), license packages and similar. These components can be used in [[..:kapitel_2:2.02.09_budget|budget management]], [[..:kapitel_2:2.4.01_angebot|offer generation]], external cost recording and as [[..:kapitel_2:2.4.05_vertrag|contract items]]. The mask consists of the following elements: =====General Data===== {{:en:gui5:handbuch:kapitel_2:bildschirmfoto_2021-11-19_um_17.28.42.png?|}} * **Basic Information:** * **Abbreviation:** This field indicates the short form of the article. This identifier is used as an abbreviation (10 characters) of the article. * **Name:** This field identifies the article. This identifier is used as the short name (50 characters) of the item. * **Description:** This alphanumeric field indicates the external service or article. This description is used as the long description (255 characters) of the item. * **Purchase Price:** This field enables you to enter the purchase price for the defined item/external service. This price is required for internal cost accounting for project and cost evaluations. * **Selling Price:** This field allows you to enter the sales price for the defined item/external service. This price is preset in the [[..:kapitel_2:2.3.07_fremdkosten|external costs]] mask as the recommended sales price and is thus included in external cost accounting. * **Cost:** This field is used as a default for budget entry ([[..:kapitel_2:2.02.09_budget|budget]] mask) in the [[..:kapitel_2:2.02.02_projekt|project]], when an item is selected. * **Supplier and Commission Rate:** This field indicates the vendor of the item or external service, with the relevant commission, if applicable. The suppliers are managed in the [[..:kapitel_2:2.01.13_basic_-_kontakt|contacts]] mask. * **MeasurandUnit:** This field indicates the unit (piece, weight, hours, dimension, ...) for the item. * **Delivery Time:** The delivery time in days can be entered here (for delivery items). This field is for information purposes only. * **Blocked, Reason for Blocking:** This check mark can be set if the article is no longer to be used in the system. The reason for blocking can be entered in the next field. * **Note:** This field allows you to enter comments. * **Filter:** * **Unit/Project/Company:** You can filter after unit, project and company. * **Prices:** This field allows you to enter prices that differ from the purchase and sales price. These prices have a validity and up to three price levels and are managed in the mask [[..:kapitel_2:2.01.30_basic_-_preise|price]]. * **Picture:** Here you can upload a picture of the article. =====Misc===== {{:en:gui5:handbuch:kapitel_2:bildschirmfoto_2021-11-19_um_17.25.32.png?|}} * **Technical Details:** * **CurrentAssessableCost:** In this field you can enter the amount that can be billed later. * **VAT:** In this field the sales tax for the articles of the merchandise category from the selection menu is entered. The sales tax can be defined and changed in the [[..:kapitel_2:2.01.08_key_-_umsatzsteuer|sales tax]] mask. * **InternalNo.:** This numeric field uniquely identifies the article. This number is proposed by the system. * **Warehouse:** * **Goods Group:** In this field, you can assign a merchandise category/product group to the item. This group classifies the articles into a group. * **Cost and Profit Account:** Here you can define the expense and revenue account for postings. * **Weight, Length, Width, and Height:** Here you can enter the weight and dimensions of the item. * **Min Stock:** This field allows you to enter the minimum stock for the defined item/external service. If the stock level is equal to or less than the minimum stock level for the item, the user group Billing can receive a notification. * **Guaranty:** Here you can enter the guaranty of an item. * **Warehouse Management:** * **Current Inventory:** Indicates whether the defined item is an inventory item. Depending on the implementation, the storage location and the minimum stock level (using a condition) then become required fields. * **Initial Inventory:** This field enables the entry of the warehouse stock for the defined item/external service. When [[..:kapitel_2:2.3.07_fremdkosten|selling an article]], the withdrawn quantity of the article is taken into account and automatically "booked" from the warehouse stock. * **Inventory Changes:** Inventory changes are listed here. * **Sales from Inventory:** Sales from Inventory are listed here.