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en:handbuch:kapitel_3:3.04.3_gruppenterminkalender_team-kalender [2009/12/01 17:08]
en:handbuch:kapitel_3:3.04.3_gruppenterminkalender_team-kalender [2019/10/25 14:11] (current)
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-====== 3.04.3 Group Organizer "​Team-Calendar"​ ======+====== 3.04.03 Group Organizer "​Team-Calendar"​ ======
 The group organizer manages project relevant appointments (milestones,​ external and internal appointments,​ project actions) and person-related events (absences, such as holidays and illness, bank holidays, general operations, ...). The calendar can be opened for the user, the group (such as unit) or for all the employees for any period of time. With the appropriate permissions,​ appointments can not only be displayed, but also be defined. The group organizer manages project relevant appointments (milestones,​ external and internal appointments,​ project actions) and person-related events (absences, such as holidays and illness, bank holidays, general operations, ...). The calendar can be opened for the user, the group (such as unit) or for all the employees for any period of time. With the appropriate permissions,​ appointments can not only be displayed, but also be defined.
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 The calender is opened through the toolbar. The calender is opened through the toolbar.
-{{:​handbuch:​kapitel_3:​3-188.gif?​direct}} +{{:​en:​handbuch:​kapitel_3:​task.gif|}}{{:​en:​handbuch:​kapitel_3:​group_organizer13.1.gif|}}
-{{:​en:​handbuch:​kapitel_3:​task.gif|}} ​             {{:​en:​handbuch:​kapitel_3:​task2.gif|}}+
-In the following example, the calender of the user !!!!!! ​is open for the current month. ​+ 
 +In the following example, the calender of the user Jane Conner ​is open for the current month. ​
 {{:​en:​handbuch:​kapitel_3:​group_organizer.gif|}} {{:​en:​handbuch:​kapitel_3:​group_organizer.gif|}}
en/handbuch/kapitel_3/3.04.3_gruppenterminkalender_team-kalender.1259683720.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/25 14:09 (external edit)